1170 Blue Hill Avenue Bloomfield,
06092-1902United States+ Google Map
Week of April 3, 2022
Morning Prayer: Mondays and Thursdays 6:30am.
Prayer Meeting every Tuesday night at 7PM.
Youth Ministry meeting on Sunday April 3rd immediately after the service.
Women’s meeting Friday April 8th at 7pm.
Men’s meeting Saturday April 16th at 9am.
Victorious Ladies Conference will be held at IGF Church June 10th & 11th. Please call the office or register here online.
IGF Family Picnic will be Saturday June 25th at 2pm Northwest Park Pavilion, 448 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester.
Please be reminded when shopping on Amazon use smile.amazon.com and log in using your Amazon credentials. IGF will be donated a percentage.
Important announcements are sent through our texting system. If you are not receiving text messages and would like to do so, please call the church office.