Welcome to IGF!

Where everybody is somebody and Jesus is Lord!
Join us for in person service! No registration required!

Sunday Service at IGF

Worship with us every Sunday Morning In person & Online at 10 am!
Visit our Watch IGF page to rewatch any of our past services.

Youth Meeting

Bi-weekly on Sundays after Sunday Service.
Make sure your teens don’t miss out on our
weekly Bible Study just for them! 

Men's Meeting

Every Third Saturday at 9 am.
Join us for a time of fellowship!

Victorious Women

Victorious Women’s Group meeting every 2nd Friday at 7 pm. Join us for a time of fellowship!

Give Online

There are many ways to give to IGF
Visit our Giving page to learn how you can support this ministry.

Prayer & Bible Study

We have prayer and Bible study during the week held online.
Call the church office for the log in credentials.

family ministries

We have ministries for the whole family!
Our ministries are geared toward facilitating your spiritual growth and providing opportunities for serving and ministering to others.

Welcome to IGF

International Gospel Fellowship is a vibrant church comprised of people from diverse backgrounds and nationalities and our mission is to continue building a ministry that is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our passion to equip the saints for the work of the ministry in order to fulfill the great commission.

We Believe in Your Victory in Life

In every meeting, we endeavor to create an atmosphere of God’s presence where His anointing can freely flow and bring freedom to all. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty, and as Jesus declared, “the gates of hell will not prevail against the church.” 

Weekly schedule

Sunday Services: in person & online

Sunday Service:

Sundays: 10 am EST

Prayer Meetings:

Mondays & Thursdays: 6:30 am EST
Tuesdays: 7 pm EST

Please call 860.687.1765 for more information.

Pastor’s Corner


Welcome to a new feature on our website. On this corner, I will be posting words of encouragement, short insights of God’s word and devotionals as the Lord leads.

– Pastor Jeremiah Karanja

Need Prayer?

Submit your request and we will bring it before the Lord.

1 + 5 =

Give online

Sow your gift into the ministry.


It is through the generous giving that this ministry is able to support local and international missions, care for those in need, and spread the Gopsel through the various means that the Lord has provided.

Online giving provides you opportunities to support and give: tithes, offerings, missions, & benevolence.

Get involved!

Did you know that IGF has ministries for the entire family?

stay connected

Stay up to date with all that is happening with the IGF family!


International Gospel Fellowship

650 Park Ave. Windsor, CT 06095
860.687.1765 |communications@igfchurch.com


© International Gospel Fellowship Church | All Rights Reserved